website review page load speed

Website Review #3: Improving Your SEO and Page Load Speeds

SEO and Page Load Speed are absolutely crucial for any website out there. And in today’s review, we are going to be looking at both of these topics in-depth. I was contacted by Rohit Sharma to review his website and try to help him get more traffic and improve the SEO on his site. There are […]

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reasons website drives visitors insance

5 Reasons Your Website Drives Visitors Insane

Today’s typical website visitor is busy. They are more than likely accessing your site via a mobile device while on the way to work or between appointments. If they are at home and have a few spare minutes, it is likely between cooking dinner, running the kids to after school activities or watching TV on the couch. […]

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7 Ways For Small Businesses To Supercharge Their Website

7 Ways For Small Businesses To Supercharge Their Website

Technological advancement has made it easier to market businesses through digital marketing strategies. By marketing your business online, you could reach out to so many potential customers worldwide. However, the market might be tough due to the various competing businesses out there. Hence, you might need to develop unique methods to beat the competition. One […]

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11 High-Converting Email Marketing Examples That Drive Results

What exactly does it take to create emails that will get readers to respond the way you want them to? This is a straightforward question that is asked by virtually every email marketer and business owner on the planet (well, not all business owners, unfortunately). If only the answer were so straightforward. If you’re fairly […]

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SEO Image Optimization

SEO Image Optimization: 10 Proven Ways To Boost Yours

One of the hidden secrets of SEO is image optimization.Have you ever really focused much on your images and thought they can help (or ruin) your SEO? According to Raven Tools, 78% of SEO issues are related to images. So perhaps it is time you started taking image seo optimization more seriously? Images are a critical factor and […]

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Thrive Architect Review

Thrive Architect Review: Now, Even My Grandma Can Build Websites

Ever struggled to create the perfect looking page on your website? (Without the help of an expensive Web Designer) I might just have the answer to your prayers. Thrive Architect is the most powerful, intuitive and easy to use WordPress page builder I have ever seen.  Note:  Below I am going to give you a 7 oreasons why. And […]

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ADA Website Compliance

ADA Website Compliance: 4-Point Checklist For Web Designers

Accessibility design in websites is a big thing. If you’re not aware, there’s a standard for it provided under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA requires that businesses need to adopt ways to accommodate persons with disabilities on their websites like they do in physical locations catering to the public. This means making the […]

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image optimization tips tricks

Image Optimization: Tips & Tricks For Anyone

 Page speed is one of the most important SEO factors today. And proper image optimization is one of the most important page speed factors there is! That is why it is very important to pay particular attention to images. The main reason for this lies in the fact that images are prevalent on most websites and […]

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5 Tips To Boost Your Search Engine Rankings In 2021

5 Tips To Boost Your Search Engine Rankings In 2021

In 2021, search engine rankings can make or break your business more than ever. If you rank high on search engine results pages, you’re more likely to attract more traffic to your website. And every brand knows why increasing web traffic is vital. When more users visit your website, you have more chances of turning […]

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Best Pinterest Tools and Tips from 10 Experts

As you probably know, Pinterest is growing like a runaway freight train. You know what I mean, right? Insanely fast, and almost unstoppable! And if you had not heard already, the pins on Pinterest have a life like no other “share” on social media.
You will get visitors to your site again and again, even months after the original pin!

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