Updated November, 1st 2016
In this post I will show you how useful Viraltag can be for scheduling your visual social media, as well as a big discount you can get via my discount coupon code (more on that below)>
Viraltag is one of the best tools for posting to both Pinterest and Instagram (as well as other social channels).
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What is ViralTag?
ViralTag is an image-focused social media sharing tool that allows you to share images from a wide variety of places to your social media accounts.
Amongst the experts in the Pinterest world it is the go-to tool for sharing and scheduling on Pinterest.
But it can also cover most other social media channels too.
I like to think of it as the Buffer of visuals – focused on making sharing on social media easy, but with images instead.
So if you are in an image focused niche, or very into Pinterest or Instagram, this could be the time saving, sharing tool you have been looking for!
Which Social Media Accounts?
Social Media Networks Supported:
- Tumblr
From a visual sharing perspective, most of the big social media accounts are taken care of. Of course if you are heavily into social media you will be aware that direct access for posting to Google+, Pinterest and Instagram is not easy to do.
And it looks like these guys have Pinterest and Instagram happening, so that is a big plus for you!!
Update November 2015: Viraltag now connects directly to Pinterest (API) so can deliver pins with 100% reliability and obtain better stats.
The only stumbling block to getting started with setting up your account is that Pinterest is by request, for security reasons. But access is given relatively quickly, so this is not really an issue.
Dashboard Overview
Once you login to Viraltag you land on your Dashboard. This is the place to check your posts (scheduled, recent, failed) as well as maintaining your schedule. More on scheduling later.
Below you will see an example of what it looks like, and again you guessed it, it’s image focused:

They have done a good job here of showing you what is scheduled, when and where. I would have liked the images to be a little smaller so I can get a better overview (more posts on the screen), but being able to see the images front and center is a great feature. And you can easily edit and delete them too.
And once you have loads of posts set, you can also use the Account Type filters at the top (see the Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook images) to see what is going out on each social media channel.
Posting From Everywhere
Posting is pretty easy with Viraltag, because they provide you with lots of ways to do it.
The main way of doing this is by first choosing an image. But it doesn’t stop there. You can import images from a huge range of places like:
- Your computer (of course)
- Images from various sources on the web (wiki, Google, Flickr)
- Your Picasa or Flickr accounts
- Your Instagram or Facebook account
So no matter what kind of visual storage you are using, it should be quite straight forward to get access to your beloved photos or infographics and start sharing them like crazy!
Note: You can also bulk upload and edit images from these sources to save you even more time.
Then once you have the image ready to rock, you just have to schedule it like this:

This is quite a familiar format to many of you, and is quite simple to use. You simply:
- Add Your Description (that goes in the post)
- Any URL you want associated with it
- And then finally you choose to Post Now or Add to Queue
Obviously Add to Queue puts it next in your schedule. More on that in a minute (relax).
Note: Any link you add or use is shortened using the viral tag link shortener. Currently no external link shorteners supported.
Browser Extensions (Share on the go)
If you have used other social media tools like Buffer or Hootsuite then you will know the power of being able to post as you browse. ViralTag offers the same kind of fun and ease of visual posting.
All you need to do is add the Chrome or Safari Extension (if you are not using either of these browsers – shame on you!) which can be found directly via My Account (top right) – Browser Extensions. Then simply install that puppy and you are good to go.
So what can it do for you? Well simply put, as you go about your merry way on the web, if you find a great post (or an awesome image) you want to share, hit the ViralTag button (top right in Chrome) and then you get a choice of shareable images from the page like this:

Then you just select the one you want (see the tick on the top left image) and you can post it like any of the other image types above.
Another way you can share is directly from the image too. So just hover over any image you like on a website, and use that as a handy shortcut.
As I already touched on above, you can schedule your posts by hand when you add them, or simply pop them into your queue to go out later.
But where do you set up this schedule you might ask?
In the Dashboard – Schedule tab of course!
It is again an interface that is quite simple to use (Yes I tested it on my young niece, and she loved it!). You simply add time slots to each day of the week, and it also comes pre-loaded with a schedule as below in case you are lazy (not pointing fingers):
Then you just select the one you want (see the tick on the top left image) and you can post it like any of the other image types above.
Another way you can share is directly from the image too. So just hover over any image you like on a website, and use that as a handy shortcut.
As I already touched on above, you can schedule your posts by hand when you add them, or simply pop them into your queue to go out later.
But where do you set up this schedule you might ask?
In the Dashboard – Schedule tab of course!
It is again an interface that is quite simple to use (Yes I tested it on my young niece, and she loved it!). You simply add time slots to each day of the week, and it also comes pre-loaded with a schedule as below in case you are lazy (not pointing fingers):

The only improvement I would love to see is a specific schedule for each social media platform. Why? Because I don’t post more than once a day to LinkedIn, but I do post 30 times to Twitter and Pinterest. Each network varies.
Of course I can just schedule my LinkedIn posts by hand, as there are so few, but it would be nice to have a schedule for each channel.
Note: Make sure you set your timezone in the settings tab. Otherwise you will be surprised that your posts go out in USA Pacific time by default.
Discover New Content To Share
Another big feature that really helps Viraltag shine is the ability to share content that you did not even know about!
This follows the massive trend of curated content that you might have noticed on social media, but keeps it in your hands and on your social media too. Which of course makes you look great.
As a Pinterest focused tool ViralTag has categories for content discovery that more or less match Pinterest. This did not really suit me, but they also have a search so I could easily find content by just typing in “social media’ and voila! This is what I got:

Lots of great infographics and posts to share with my audience. Can’t complain about that, huh?
Other Great Features You Should Know About
The guys and gals at Viraltag are continuously adding features to the mix and these are some of the ones you want to be aware of when you are thinking about using this tool:
Use As A Team (Business Feature)
You can invite your team members to share your account and also use ViralTag.
It is a simple process you do via the settings tab, under Team. But it is not a complex arrangement, so you cannot restrict who does what, and to what account.
Editing Images Inside ViralTag
Yes, I have hidden this feature down here because it is not that important to me. It might be to you?
ViralTag offers you the chance to edit your images as you are uploading them. You can edit the kinds of things you would expect in a standard photo program like: Saturation, Contrast, Cropping, Effects (like Instagram filters), and one you might certainly need – Text.
So this is a great addition to the tool, and is something I have only seen in MavSocial (a tool you might not have heard of). It is not something the likes of Buffer or Hootsuite offer, yet.
Final Thoughts
Viraltag is a great alternative to the big guns in the social tools world, especially for a user who only wants to schedule images. That is the strength and focus of this tool, and they do that very well.
So if you are image-focused, and spend lots of time on places like Pinterest, Instagram and also Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook then why not give it a try.