Your life as a website owner or creator could be so much easier! By saving time messing around with things which should be far simpler to do, like building and creating stunning web pages for yourself or your clients. How? Technology is racing ahead, and thankfully for us that means: you no longer have to tinker with HTML […]
Continue readingEver thought about creating an online course but just did not know where to start? Online courses are a great way for experts to easily monetize your hard-earned knowledge. And a great way for your audiences to learn new skills, deepen their existing knowledge or just to get a refresher. Maybe you are just the person to give […]
Continue readingGetting people’s attention in the noisy online world is tough. In fact, according to Wikipedia: On 20 February 2014, there were around 172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million WordPress blogs in existence worldwide. And that is not including other platforms like Blogger and non-Wordpress sites. So competition is fierce, and you need to do something […]
Continue readingIf you’re a web publisher, your greatest desire is probably to have your content appear on top of search engine results pages (SERPs) whenever a user types in a query. But given the millions of websites competing for this coveted spot, you realize that ranking high on Google and other search engines is not a […]
Continue readingIn this post I am going to show you the most common WordPress SEO mistakes I see on a daily basis, and exactly how to fix them. Some of these mistakes could be seriously damaging your SEO or even stopping you from getting found on search. SEO can be really easy once you understand how to do […]
Continue readingGoogle is saturated. Facebook is charging for everything. So, what alternatives do you have? Youtube! Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google. 3000000000 Searches / Month There are over 3 billion searches a month on Youtube (here are even more crazy stats on Youtube). It is time you started taking Youtube seriously as a source of traffic and […]
Continue readingThe load speed of your website greatly impacts almost everything: the click-through rate, engagement rate, and conversion rate. And that means a slow website is costing you customers, subscribers, readers and quite simply: money! 51% of U.S online shoppers said that they wouldn’t complete a purchase if the website is too slow. And as a result, […]
Continue readingInfluencer Marketing is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the online marketing world. Marketing is changing at a rapid pace, and often without the public even realizing. How many of us make our decisions based on online information rather than from traditional advertising? A significant amount I would suggest. And this trend is […]
Continue readingNoFollow Links could be affecting your SEO in a very bad way. You might have heard the rumors from the dark masters of SEO. That you should, or should not be using these fun things called no follow links. But until now, you kinda ignored the whole no follow tag thing. I wouldn’t blame you. SEO is […]
Continue readingYou landed on this page because you are wondering why you should use WordPress? There are loads of options for building websites these days, and it can get a little confusing. But if you take a good look at the benefits or reasons you should use WordPress for your website, I think you will be […]
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