10 Reasons Why You Must Use WordPress

why use wordpress

You landed on this page because you are wondering why you should use WordPress?

There are loads of options for building websites these days, and it can get a little confusing.

But if you take a good look at the benefits or reasons you should use WordPress for your website, I think you will be convinced.

WordPress is Free

Free is a powerful word.

And if someone said you can build your website using technology that is completely free, would you say no?

Probably not.

But maybe you would ask yourself if it was any good. After all, if something is free, often it is lacking in quality.

But not always.

In the world of software that is often not the case.

Some of the best stuff is free – like Java (used for Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy) and probably much of the banking software out there. It all revolves around what they call “open source”

But for you it means – community-supported and free.

So free is great for many reasons.

10 Reasons you must use WordPressIt’s So Easy Your Grandma Could Use it

I am guessing you have used Microsoft Word before?

If so, then you can use WordPress.

Writing a page or post in WordPress is very easy.

You simply type, add bold and italic, center align, add headings, images and that is pretty much it.

There are many more things you can do (and I will go into those below) but the basics are very easy.

So creating new content, and being the boss of your website is simple.

And that is what I tell my customers:

My goal is to give you a website you can control

Easily Add Functionality with WordPress Plugins

The way WordPress is designed, it is very simple to add functionality to your website.

Let’s imagine you need a contact form for people to email you via your website.

No worries. There are at least 5 great plugins you can add to do this.

If you need a stylish image gallery to present your latest photoshoot, no problem, the makers of WordPress themselves have a great plugin for that too.

In fact, WordPress has been around for so long that there are plugins for almost anything you can imagine!

And I have summarized some of the best in a post you can refer to when you need it.

WordPress Makes SEO Easy

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization (aka getting noticed on Google) is also quite simple when you use WordPress.

Of course, you need to learn a little about what SEO is, but with a simple plugin you can do get results in no time.

Adding SEO functionality is so simple with WordPress, I often forget I didn’t have it to start with.

And it is easy to use. It is a set of fields I fill in below each page or post before you publish new content.

It’s that easy folks.

Make it Stylish with WordPress Themes

Functionality is not everything, and sometimes you just want your site  to look great.

After all

Your website is your most important online asset, and probably your most often seen “business card”.

So you want it to look awesome, right? I hope so.

Well, WordPress comes to save the day again.

WordPress has themes. And themes are simply skins or styles you add that completely change the look and feel of your site.

So you can try a few out, and go with the one you love.

If you need a hand choosing one, you can read this post on how to go about choosing a theme.

You can also get a pro to help you too, if you need a hand.

Adding a Blog is Built-in

One of the best ways to advertise these days is to add great content to your website.

Whether it is videos, infographics or just blog posts, the best way to do this is by adding a blog to your website.

A blog is just a page with a date on it.

And WordPress was originally built around blogs. So adding one is as easy as pie.

Of course you can also build a site without one, so don’t feel pressured to create loads of content.

But the option is there. And it takes only a few minutes to add it.

WordPress Is Flexible

WordPress is really a complete CMS (Content Management System).

This means you can do almost anything with it.

The plugins and themes I mentioned above are some of the highlights.

But even if you don’t play with those, WordPress has lots of other simple, yet powerful, things to help.

You can easily create menus to get your customers to your pages.

Then there are the widgets – these are flexible elements that you can add to the header, footer or sidebar of your site.

What goes in a widget? Again, almost anything.

  • Advertising
  • Forms
  • Buttons
  • Images
  • Content

and much much more.

In the end, by using WordPress you can create anything you can imagine – and often with zero programming skills.

Tip: If you use a page builder like Thrive Content Builder, you can create even more amazing pages and without tech skills too!

Ecommerce is Simple to Do

Many of you are building a website because you want to sell something.

And WordPress has certainly not forgotten you there.

Depending on what exactly you are selling, there are plenty of options.

It could be as simple as adding a PayPal button to your site. (there are plugins to help!)

Or you can integrate complete eCommerce systems, like the free one from WooCommerce.

Of course, the bigger eCommerce systems are not forgotten either. You can integrate the more popular Shopify, or even BigCommerce (not sure about that one? Read this BigCommerce Review).

It is actually amazing how much functionality WooCommerce gives us for free.

So fear not if you have a shop, you can easily get online with WordPress too!

Loads of Support

Last but certainly not least, WordPress comes with a fantastic amount of support.

Because so many people use WordPress, and so much has been written about it, you will almost always find an answer.

There are forums, blog posts, support from the developers of WordPress, and plenty more.

So if you are tweaking or playing with things and you get stuck, chances are someone out there can help you.

And if you are not up for playing around with your site, you can always just pay a professional to do it.

Sometimes it is simpler and safer to do.

Try WordPress Today

I hope I have convinced you of the huge amount of benefits of using WordPress for your website.

As a web designer and developer myself I could just write all the code for my customer’s websites, but I don’t.

I use WordPress.

For all of the reasons above, and much much more, I could not live without it.

Grab my FREE Website Guide


photo credit: thisismyurl via photopin cc

About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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