Thrive Architect Tutorials: Make The Most Of This Page Builder

Thrive Architect is a powerful new page builder from the team at Thrive.

If you haven't seen how it works yet, you can check out my review here.

This new plugin is so powerful, I am starting to wonder if soon I will be out of a job as a web designer! OMG

But there is also a downside: to create really stunning pages and websites you need to know how to use the tool (very well).

So, I have been creating some handy Thrive Architect tutorials on Youtube to help you guys make the most of this tool. Learn to use it properly. And create stunning websites.

Give me a "hell yeah!".

Build A Killer Homepage Fast (In 15 Minutes Actually)

In this video I demonstrate live how you can create your own killer homepage fast. In fact, it only takes me about 15 minutes to do it.

Build A Parallax Homepage With Ease

Parallax is that effect where the sections slide above/below one another. It can be a really cool way to take your homepage to the next level. But, if you are not a designer, it may be a bit tough to achieve!

WRONG. With Thrive Architect, it is easy easy as pie!

Make Your Website Mobile Ready

With Thrive Architect you can easily create pages and then check them on a tablet and phone to make sure they look great on all devices.

Not only is it really easy to do, you can also tweak each view too. Ensuring that it does not affect the bigger view too. Can't beat that!

Build A Converting Contact Page In Minutes

Your contact page is the place people go to get in touch with you. But, are you really making it easy for them to do that?

This video shows you how to create a contact page that gives people multiple ways to get in touch and even come for a visit! Do you have some beer in the fridge?

Add Some User-Enticing Icons To Your Website

Believe it or not, icons can make your website a lot easier to use and they looks sexy too!

It is not always easy to add them to a website though. First you need the icon set, then you need to know how to code CSS to add them (and align them in the right spots).

In this video, I show you how easy and stunning they can be using Thrive Architect.

About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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