Social Media Best Practices

I have been preaching about the proper use of social media, especially Twitter, lately.

And I thought this infographic was a different point of view and way to get across some ideas of social media best practices you should all be aware of.

Effective Social Media Best Practices and Marketing

Last week I did a guest post on Dear Blogger on this topic. It was about using social media correctly.

But there were a lot of points I did not go over, many of which are covered in this great infographic below. Basically, it covers a whole range of the current social media best practices.

I will let you read it first, then summarize what i think are the most worthwhile points at the end.

Everyone has a different opinion, and there are no real rules when it comes to social media best practices.

After reading this infographic,  I found the following to be the most important points:

  • There are no shortcuts, be patient (it takes time and patience to get going on social media)
  • Contribute something of value – or don’t contribute at all
  • Have clear goals of what you want to achieve on social media
  • Provide quality posts not just a massive quantity
  • Don’t just promote yourself (use the 70/30 rule – max 30% your stuff)
  • Connect with people and respond to connections (don’t ignore, always thank, be polite etc)
  • Adapt to the ever changing social media landscape (keep up to date)

I know many of you social media bunnies out there will be well aware of all these things, but it is worth highlighting them all again.

Social media seems like an easy thing when you start out, but there are so many hidden rules, it makes it hard for the newcomer to make a go of it.

I know I wish I had found such great infographics with all the social media best practices listed for me!

 If you have not made the trip yet, I recommend you pop over to my Social Media page, where all my best posts on social media best practices are.

Infographic Credit: Social Metrics Pro

What are your best social media strategies?

Do you find it a struggle to keep up with them all?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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