Social Media

social media Twitter Googleplus Facebook

Social Media is all around us!!

Social Media is something you can’t ignore!!

As a blogger, small business owner or web developer, you have to get on Social Media to expand your reach.


Twitter for Beginners – A quick Guide – This is my guest post on how to use Twitter (tweeting, profile setup)

What can you learn from the Best Twitter Bios? – Learn to write your Twitter Bio like a Pro

Twitter & Google+ Profiles – Will people connect with you – Improve your profiles on these social media sites

Tweet Deck – Improve your Twitter Experience – This post gives you a detailed rundown on Tweet Deck, an awesome tool for using Twitter

Buffer – Tips, Tricks and Features – Learn to tweet like a Pro with one of the best tools in the Social Media word

TweetAdder – Find more followers fast –  Accelerate your Twitter Following with this amazing tool

Best Time to Tweet – some tools to help – An overview of two great tools to find the best times to tweet for you

Scheduling Tweets and Posts An overview of how and what to use to schedule Tweets and Posts

How to Write the Perfect Tweet (And get retweeted) Find out how the pros are writing their tweets

Using Hashtags the Right Way on Twitter Find out how you should be using Hashtags on Twitter

Twitter Advanced Search – Find those hidden gems Learn to use the powerful features of Twitter Search


Join me on Pinterest – it’s where all the cool kids are heading!

Here are some Pinterest posts that will help launch you into the Pinterest world.

Is Pinterest Just for Chicks? – Unsure of whether Pinterest is just for chicks posting about handbags? Read this.

Pinterest Pin It Button for Images on WordPress– A simple plugin with almost no config to add a sexy Pin It Button to your WordPress Images

5 Pro Tips for Pin-worthy Images for your Blog Posts – Learn how to optimize your blog images for Pinterest

Google Plus

Google Plus is a must for anyone using Social Media. Not only is it an up and coming star in the social media world, but your content ranks higher on Google if it is mentioned on Google Plus.

Google did a major update on Google Plus in mid 2013 – here is what’s new.

What’s new on  Google Plus Part 1 Images (Auto everything)

What’s new on  Google Plus Part 2 Stream, Hangout, Hashtags

How to share your posts on Google Plus, a guest post I wrote on Write Speak Sell.

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