Category Archives for Blogging

lose your visitors

Don’t lose your visitors! – Speed up your website

You have probably noticed it yourself when you are waiting for a website to load. The page is coming, and coming, and coming, and then you say to yourself – “I have better things to do!” (I use more swear words, but that is just me). After losing your patience, you leave the site! Onwards […]

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angry face

Blog Email Lists – Which is the best service?

I lost two thirds of my email list! Yes, that’s right. That goose the lays the golden eggs has flown the coop. The thing I worked so hard to build over the last 6 months has been decimated. How could this happen you ask? After all, it’s all in the list they will tell you. […]

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reduce bounce rate

6 Ways to Reduce your Bounce Rate

As the traffic to your site increases, it is actually quite exciting. The numbers rise, the stats increase, things are looking up! Then someone mentions Bounce Rate.  You take a look at yours and it is really high – NOT GOOD. But what is Bounce Rate? Let’s take a look. Definition of Bounce Rate Take […]

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