MLP004: Using LinkedIn Like An Expert – with Sarah Santacroce

using linkedin right way sarah santacroce

In this podcast you will learn from a LinkedIn Expert how to make the most of LinkedIn for your profession or business.

So many people have it all wrong!

“LinkedIn is not just a place to put your CV anymore”

It is a serious social media platform for meeting like-minded people, making business connections and finding customers and suppliers for your business.

If you have been ignoring LinkedIn, or maybe you were just a little confused on how to make the most of it, then you must listen to this podcast.



Diving in Deep – LinkedIn Expert Sarah Santacroce Explains It All

It is not everyday you get to pick the brain of someone who knows a social media platform like the back of their hand.

Sarah has been on LinkedIn since 2006 and has been training individuals and companies on how to use it effectively.

So when she agreed to come on my podcast, I knew I had a unique opportunity to cut threw all the hype and find out how people really use LinkedIn to get results.

Today I go over a lot of useful information such as:

  • The role of LinkedIn in today’s social media marketing
  • Importance of your Profile and what you can do to improve it today
  • Using LinkedIn as a tool to connect – Sarah reveals her top tips
  • How to join and use Groups to connect and to show your expertise
  • The latest innovations on LinkedIn – The Publisher Platform

The great thing about today’s podcast is that not only do we discuss some really interesting things about LinkedIn, but Sarah explains how you can go out today and apply it.

At the end of the podcast you will have simple, actionable tips to improve your profile, use of groups, interactions and connections and much more.

Learn everything you need to know about LinkedIn For Business in this post from Sarah, or take a look at her fantastic video course on the subject.

Sarah’s Posts About LinkedIn

How To Use LinkedIn For Business (In Depth Guide to Using Linked To Find Customers)

A Few Things You Should Change on your LinkedIn Profile

Different Ways to Engage on LinkedIn

How to update your LinkedIn Profile without notifying your whole network?

How Often Should I Share on LinkedIn?

The Power of LinkedIn Mentions

10 LinkedIn Etiquette Tips

LinkedIn Publisher – Your First Post

Sarah’s Other Cool Happenings

Sarah’s LinkedIn Challenge

  • 21 tips from 21 LinkedIn Pros, one per day by email.
  • Get in touch with Sarah and ask to be put on her LinkedIn Challenge mailing list – starts in June 2014
  • Here is a link to the previous one in December

Sarah’s Google Hangouts on Air

Join Sarah Online

Simplicity – Sarah’s Website

LinkedIn – Send Sarah a personslized connection request

Google+ – If you want to be in her Q & A Hangout circle

Twitter – who doesn’t love connecting on Twitter

I would appreciate a Review on iTunes Or Stitcher

As this podcast is just starting out, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review on iTunes to help me promote it and reach more people.

I have a quick How To Do a Review on iTunes (only because it may not be so simple to find the place to do it).

Previous Podcast Episodes

If you don’t really need to head to iTunes or Stitcher, you can find all the previous podcasts here

Final Words

So what are you waiting for?

Head over to LinkedIn now

  • update your profile
  • join some relevant groups
  • connect with people using a customized message

Let us know how you go!

You can find me on LinkedIn here too.


About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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