30 Social Media & Blogging Influencers you should follow

30 blogging and social media influencersInfluencer’s blogs and twitter accounts can provide you with great resources to increase your knowledge exponentially.

If you choose the right people to follow, you can advance easily and quickly.

The following are 30 people on the inter-webs who can launch your blogging and social media careers into the stratosphere!

Take a look through the list and see who you would like to follow, and get to know them on Twitter by retweeting, commenting or just saying “hi”!

Don’t worry, they don’t bite. They are normal people like you and me :>

John Paul Aguiar

Twitter: @johnaguiar Website: http://www.johnpaulaguiar.com/ John is all about helping us make money on our blogs. He learned the hard way by getting himself of disability benefits in 11 months. His advice is gold.

Mike Allton

Twitter: @mike_allton Website: http://www.thesocialmediahat.com Mike knows his stuff when it comes to social media. He is also expert in many other areas: in his own words “Social Media, SEO, Blogging, Writing, Internet Marketing and Business Technology”. You should check out his blog.

Sarah Arrow

Twitter: @SarahArrow Website: http://www.sarkemedia.com/ Sarah is a Social Media and blogging expert, with a few books and blogs to her name too. http://birdsontheblog.co.uk is her group blog featured in the Forbes top 100 websites for women, and it also funds two girls at school in Uganda. If you are looking to get started on a Kindle book, she is your girl!

Meghan M Biro

Twitter: @MeghanMBiro Website: http://www.talentculture.com/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghanbiro/ A knowledgeable lass and a contributor to Forbes, her areas of expertise are: HR, Social Media and Leadership. She is also a host of twitter chats: #TChat.

Chris Brogan

Twitter: @chrisbrogan Website: http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ Chris is another influencer with a lot of klout. Has is co-author of a NYT best seller (The Impact Equation) as well as other books. He is on the board of advisors at Hubspot. and CEO/President of a publishing company (Human Business Works). Chris’ stuff is fantastic, especially in the area of writing and content development.

Danny Brown

Twitter: @DannyBrown Website: http://dannybrown.me/ What more can you say about someone who has the following awards for his blog:-

  • #1 marketing blog in the world by HubSpot
  • Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blog in 2011 and 2013.
Jeff Bullas

Twitter: @jeffbullas Website: http://www.jeffbullas.com/ Jeff is another influential blogger who’s blog receives over 4 million hits a year. His blog covers a broad range of topics from social media tips to online marketing advice from.

Lilach Bullock

Twitter: @lilachbullock Website: http://www.socialable.co.uk/ Lilach calls herself three things: business owner, social media consultant and internet mentor. She has published various books and is often quoted by top newspapers as well as the BBC.

Heidi Cohen

Twitter: @heidicohen Website: http://heidicohen.com/ Heidi is all about marketing. She has published over 1000 posts and was named in the Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs, two years in a row.

Jim Dougherty

Twitter: @leaderswest Website: http://leaderswest.com/ Jim shares great Social Media content and loads of amazing infographics. Not your standard SM blog, you should also add this to your “must read list”.

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Steve Farnsworth

Twitter: @steveology Website: http://stevefarnsworth.wordpress.com/ He is your man for Social media, To start with, Steve is Chief Digital Strategist at Jolt.  He has also been:-

  • One of the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers.
  • One of the top influencers on Twitter with over 100k followers
  • Included in The Top 35 “Connectors” on Twitter.
Kim Garst

Twitter: @kimgarst Website: http://kimgarst.com/blog/ A great resource for all things social media, Kim has a strong presence on Twitter and on Google+ with her community Boom! Social Media with Kim Garst.

Kristi Hines

Twitter: @kikolani Website: http://kristihines.com‎ AND http://kikolani.com/ Kristi Hines is guest blogger extraordinaire!! You see her everywhere and she knows and researches everything. If you are not reading her posts on SEO, social media, blogging, guest blogging and…..get to it.

Ana Hoffman

Twitter: @AnaTrafficCafe Website: http://www.trafficgenerationcafe.com/ Ana is all about getting you traffic. I have used loads of her tips and man do they work. She is also on the pulse of social media, SEO and what Google is up to. I think she has Matt Cutts phone number too, if you ask nicely :>

Michael Hyatt

Twitter: @MichaelHyatt Website: http://michaelhyatt.com/ Another of Forbes top 50 social media influencers, Michael’s focus is leadership. That is not to say it’s all he writes about; he also offers advice on social media, personal development and productivity too.

Sté Kewer

Twitter: @dukeo‎ Website: http://dukeo.com/ Sté is all about blogging and online success. His blog will help guide you along the way to making money online. Check it out.

Aaron Lee

Twitter: @askaaronlee Website: http://askaaronlee.com/ Aaron is a strong presence on Twitter, with nearly 500k followers and No. 4 in the Top 100 Small Business Experts to Follow on Twitter.. He is all about using social media to help you grow.

Scott Monty

Twitter: @scottmonty Website: http://www.scottmonty.com/ Scott is global head of social media at Ford. So he has a little experience on the matter. His personal blog shares all his wisdom and is certainly worth a look.

Neil Patel

Twitter: @neilpatel Website: http://quicksprout.com Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics amongst other achievements. He was in the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 listed by President Obama. If you want to learn about SEO and how to get backlinks – you have to read his posts and guides.

   Enjoying this amazing list? Why not Join my list and get the latest updates?

Amy Porterfield

Twitter: @amyporterfield Website: http://www.amyporterfield.com/ Amy Porterfield is a Facebook guru – proof? She is author of Facebook for Dummies. She says on her blog

…after working with Mike Stelzner of SocialMediaExaminer.com, I discovered Facebook. It was a total love affair.

Annetta Powell

Twitter: @AnnettaPowell Website: http://www.annettapowellonline.com/ Annetta Powell is an accomplished blogger. Also known as “the success coach”, she will show you the way to blogging success, no doubt about that. And she will use a variety of media to help you along the way too!

Rebekah Radice

Twitter: @RebekahRadice Website: http://rebekahradice.com/ Rebekah says she is a: social media strategist, content developer, brand manager and social media trainer. I love her posts on social media. She has lots of knowledge to share!

Darren Rowse

Twitter: @problogger Website: http://www.problogger.com/ Darren is Problogger, one of the best sources on how to blog for profit. He is also a fellow Aussie (gotta count for something right!)

Mark Schaefer

Twitter: @markwschaefer Website: http://www.businessesgrow.com Mark has a lot of Twitter and Blogging awards and rightfully so. Like all great influencers, he has also been busy publishing great books! His blog is a little more business oriented, but has lots of gems on Blogging and Social Media as you would expect.

Ann Smarty

Twitter: @seosmarty Website: http://www.seosmarty.com/  Ann Smarty has an industry leading SEO blog. She was previously the editor in chief of SearchEngineJournal.com,and a contributor to SEOMoz. She is founder of MyGuestBlog.com, a place to find and share guest posts and more recently, she has started ViralContentBuzz.com where you can get your quality content shared on social media.

Adrienne Smith

Twitter: @adriennesmith40 Website: http://www.adriennesmith.net/ Known as the ” Engagement Superstar” and for good reason. Adrienne will not only email you when you subscribe to her blog…..she will drive to your house with flowers! Almost. If you want to learn how to engage with your readers – seriously, there is no better place to go.

Ileane Smith

Twitter: @Ileane Website: http://basicblogtips.com/ Ileane is the girl to help you get started with blogging and social media. Heavily involved in the community, she is always there for her readers.

Brian Solis

Twitter: @briansolis Website: http://www.briansolis.com‎ Mashable named Solis one of the “25 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You Smarter”. He blogs about social media and disruptive technology amongst other things. He is a prolific speaker and writer, and has his hand in just about everything.

Mark Traphagen

Twitter: @marktraphagen‎ Website: https://plus.google.com/+MarkTraphagen Google+ guru since day 3 and in over 60 thousand circles. If you want G+ info, he is your man. He is also Director of Digital Outreach at Virante.

Gary Vaynerchuck

Twitter: @garyvee Website: http://www.garyvaynerchuk.com Social media guru, entrepreneur, author, speaker and wine afficiondo Gary has been there and done it all. You can certainly learn a thing from him and his blog.

I hope you enjoyed the list, found some great blogs, a new Twitter buddy or some just knowledge to take you to the next level. I would love it if you could share this with your friends, followers and anyone who could benefit from it.
Feel free to follow me on Twitter (my social home at the moment) Ashley Faulkes on Twitter OR on Madlemmings on Pinterest
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About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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