WordPress Login Plugins – Customize Your Login Pages With Ease

If you have ever worked on a customer’s WordPress website or wanted to make your login page (or WordPress dashboard) look a little more professional, then this post is for you.


There are lots of WordPress Login Plugins around to help you change anything regarding logging in to WordPress from:

  • simple logo change
  • login page branding
  • complete backend branding
  • the way logging in works

I have divided the plugins up into sections to help you find exactly what you need.

There are of course many more plugins than are listed here, but I have restricted it based on quality, compatibility (latest version of WordPress) and just to keep your sanity.

If you know of a great plugin that you think should have been listed on this page, feel free to let me know in the comments or just send me a message.

Custom Login Page Plugins

WordPress Custom Login Theme Page

 WordPress Custom Login Theme Page

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This is simply one of the most comprehensive WP Login Page Customizers out there.

You can customize the background image and/or color, and text size and style of

  • the page
  • login block
  • buttons and more.

If you want a company logo on the top of the login, something most of us want for company sites, then this is also no problem at all. They also have some great effects you can add to the elements too.

They also have options for social media and email links on the login page (great for people having issues logging in).

And you can control a lot of the small stuff like the Remember Me option and add complete custom content of your own.

This plugin also uses templates so you can change the login page to suit an event or season. Or simply inform your employees of a security issue or a reminder.

If you are looking for complete control over how your login page looks and displays, this is a great option.


Erident Custom Login and Dashboard

Erident Custom Login Dashboard

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This is a great free plugin for fully customizing the look and feel of the login page of your WordPress site. The “dashboard” part of the name is a little misleading, as it does not change any other part of WordPress.

Everything from:

  • Background image
  • login form image and color
  • All details of the form, links, text, colors
  • And some text customization

If all you are looking for is a complete custom login form, this is one to try.

Pie Registration

Pier Registration Plugin

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This plugin provides a huge range of functionality from custom login pages to user registration management and payment. It goes above and beyond simple login page colors, and here is the list they provide of the functionality provided:

  1. New and Improved User Interface
  2. Custom Login/Registration Pages
  3. Invitation Codes
  4. Shortcodes
  5. CAPTCHA Validation
  6. Email Verification
  7. Admin Moderation
  8. Widgets
  9. Profile Pages
  10. Customized Admin & User Registration Email
  11. Paypal

WP Custom Login

Wordpress Custom Login Plugin

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I recommend this plugin for anyone who has coding experience.

You can add a header and footer and custom css. So this means you can almost completely change the look and feel of the login page, but you need to know how. It is very much a developers plugin.

Modal Login Plugin

 Modal Login Register Forgotten WordPress Plugin

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The Modal Login plugin for WordPress changes the login page to a popup that appears on top of the screen. It is also stylable and has a bunch of other login options you might be interested in.

  • Two Form Layouts
  • Set Redirect URL After Login
  • Unlimited Color Styles
  • Login Widget (can add to sidebar etc)

Custom Login & Access WordPresss Plugin

Custom WordPress Access and Login Plugin

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This plugin adds extra security and login based customization to give you lots of value for money. Not only are you changing the way the login form and page looks, but also how it behaves to restrict hacking, secure where people are going and lots more.

Customizes look and feel of login page

  • background color or image
  • login form customization
  • buttons and text

Customizes man parts or access and login

  • Maths based captcha on login or registration or password reset (stops hackers)
  • Custom Redrect after login or logout (allows custom landing page for your site)
  • Custom Registration emails (personalization)
  • Restriction access to non-logged in users

Complete Branding (Login & Admin pages)

White Label Branding for WordPress

White Label Branding For WordPress Plugin

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This is another extremely comprehensive plugin that not only customizes the login page but has additional functionality you can use to change the way the login process works. To quote the plugin developer:

Take full control over the branding in wp-admin and decide who has access to what features.

So this plugin is as good as many of the above paid plugins, but with even more customization capabilities. It is ideal for developers who customize and maintain their clients websites.

They make all of the following available to you:

  • Customize Login Screen (like all of teh above plugins)
  • Role and Capability Manager (for custom roles and access)
  • Change layouts, navigation,  admin bar (top) for users and roles
  • Detailed branding of website with multiple detailed options

This is really the Roles-Royce of all of the login and customization plugins available.

Ultimate Branding


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If branding a customers site is your requirement, this plugin will help you do that with ease.

Not only the login page but also all of the admin pages. It does not have roles capability like the Whitelabel plugin above, but does allow full customization of the admin pages with removal of certain widgets, elements and so on. Great for giving the customer exactly what they need for s simple and clean WordPress experience.

Simple Login Plugins

This plugin does one thing – add a logo to your login page. Just upload it and voila! You have a logo when you or anyone else logs in.

Custom Login Message & Remove Reset

This is a login page customization plugin that gives you a custom message on the login page, but also removes the password reset option and moves it to another location. This helps avoid spammers automatically creating logins and resetting their password.

Remove Email Verification

Sometimes email verification for WordPress sites causes a lot of problems, often because the email never arrives. If this is an issue for you and your users (perhaps you are in a Univeristy or other highly protected email environment) then it might be something you need to switch off in WordPress.

Peter’s Login Redirect

This plugin adds the ability to send the user to a specific page when they login. Great if you are wanting to register users for a specific purpose or part of your site.

WordPress Login Alternatives


Clef - login alternaitve for WordPress

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Clef is an alternative to logging into WordPress with a username & password.

Sound strange? it is a little bit at first. You basically need a smartphone and app installed which you use when logging in to provide a secure alternative to a username and password. You need to watch their video to see how it works.

If you are looking to up the security of your WordPress site, this is certainly one way to do it, with gusto!

WordPress & BuddyPress Social Login

Wordpress & BuddyPress Social Login Plugin

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This plugin is a little different to the rest, but also extremely useful if you want more people commenting or logging in without any stress.

Social media is everywhere now, and giving people access through their social logins is common. And this plugin allows people to:

…comment and login with social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, LinkedIn, Instagram, OpenID, VKontakte, Google, Yahoo

Not for everyone, but if giving more access and ease of use is your game, then this plugin is worth a look.

Final Words

Adding the finishing touches to a website by customizing the login page or dashboard can really make the difference for a custom WordPress website.

And if you need some custom behaviour on login as well, there are certainly a lot of options to achieve just what you are after.

I hope this list of WordPress custom login plugins has helped you find what you are after.

Other Useful Plugin PostsBe sure to check out my complete list of 45 Best WordPress plugins for other plugin ideas
or The Best Plugins to Start a WordPress Blog or Website



About the Author Ashley Faulkes

Ashley is obsessed with SEO and WordPress. He is also the founder of Mad Lemmings. When he is not busy helping clients get higher on Google he can be found doing crazy sports in the Swiss Alps (or eating too much chocolate - a habit he is trying to break).

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