Guest Posting

Mad Lemmings welcomes guest posts. Please follow the guidelines below if you’d like to get your post approved.

General Guest Posting Guidelines

  1. Guest posts must be original and may not have been published elsewhere online.  All submissions will be verified for originality using a tool such as or
  2. Send me a pitch only if you are a blogger with your own blog and your own social media following or can show your work published on other websites.
  3. Write a post with extremely useful content. Always ask yourself: ‘How can the readers of Mad Lemmings benefit from this?’ (you should have read quite a few posts from this blog)
  4. Ensure your post is well written and grammatically correct (If you are not a native English speaker, your English should be almost perfect. If not, this is not the blog for you)
  5. Minimum length is between 800-1000 words
  6. Break up your posts using headings and sub-headings (h2, h3 etc) and include relevant images to add interest
  7. Links should be to relevant content (no affiliate links) and the author should try to find relevant content from Mad Lemmings too
  8. I will not accept your post if it violates any copyright laws

How To Ask For A Guest Post

  • Please send an email via the contact form with the subject: Possible Guest Post ABC
  • Tell me about yourself and your background as a blogger
  • Include links to your best blog posts and your most active social media accounts
  • State the title of your proposed post(s) with a rough outline in bullet points
  • Explain how Mad Lemmings readers would benefit from this post

The process

If your proposal for a guest post is accepted, we will proceed as follows:

  • We will work out a reasonable date for publishing and submitting the post
  • The post should be sent as either HTML (from WordPress text tab) or Word Document with images attached separately in the email indicating where they should be added
  • Also submit a short bio and all of your Social Media URLs (Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • I will review the post and make any changes necessary (grammar, spelling, context, links etc)
  • If the quality or length of the submitted post is not acceptable, I will send it back to you for rework (and possible rejection)

Once the post is live:

  • you are expected to respond to comments for up to a week
  • also promote the article heavily on your social media accounts for a few days




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